Fundamentals of Educational Technology Leadership

EDTC 801: Summer Institute I

Summer 2021 | Dr. Zieger

This course is the initial intensive summer seminar for incoming doctoral cohort  candidates. This is a foundation course which outlines the expectations and practices  of the program. It also introduces candidates to the program’s mission of preparing  effective leaders for an interdependent world.

This portfolio profiles my Ed.D coursework. 

As a cohort, we worked collaboratively to design a cohort name, website, mission, and presentation. 

An analysis of the group showcase with a focus on my individual contribution is presented in this paper. A reflection of my leadership stregnths and areas for for growth are included. 

This professional growth plan was created to reflect on my leadership styles and approach to educational technology leadership.  Additionally, a development plans with goals and benchmark was developed. 

EDTC 802: Principles of Educational Technology Leadership

Summer 2021 | Dr. Carnahan

This course focuses on concepts and strategies necessary for a leader in a technologically rich learning environment.  Topics include strategic planning, leadership styles, institutional change processes, and policy issues in educational technology.

This presentation and one-pager focuses on the situational approach to leadership. 

This proposal presented an emerging technology, a plan for implementation, the current state of the field, and an assessment plan. The emering technology this paper focued on was building background knowledge just in time with virtual reality. 

This paper is a review of the literature related to adaptive learning technology with a focus on learner characteristics. 

EDTC 804: Global Issues in Educational Technology Leadership

Fall 2021 | Dr. Shamburg

his course will investigate educational technology through a global perspective. The issues covered will include development strategies, diversity, cultural values, and the systemic role educational technology plays in global economic development. The course will focus on a cross-cultural examination of contemporary academic and workplace skills.  

This paper is analysis of the Finnish Educational System through Arnove's three dimensions of comparative education. 

This paper discusses how the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has impacted Korean. A discussion of Korea's relative top performance is presented uncovering small deparites in achievement based on gender and socioeconomic status.

This paper reviews the APEC Pearson schools through international development paradigms. The frameworks used were Liberal Capitalism, Marxism, and Postcolonialism.

This group project focused on educational opportunities for women and girls in Sub-Saharan Africa . The presentation was completed with Sebastien Auguste and Driss Ladj.

This paper analyzes the implementation of twenty-first century competencies in six countries. Cases studies were reviewed to present how different international educational systems implemented these competencies.

EDTC 813: Using Integrated Software

Summer 2022 | Dr. Shamburg

Students will examine the patterns of traditional use, current issues, and emergent trends of digital technology in learning. They will assess integration strategies that support and enhance educational experiences across a diverse array of learners and analyze professional development and training initiatives in technology for relevant stakeholders.  

in teams, we prepared interview questions. We recorded an interview of one person on the team. was used to transcribe the audio.

Atlas.ti was used to code and produce a codebook.

Using Qaultrics features, a survey was created consisting of a permission form, ‘skip  logic’, qualitative and Likert data

In this assignment, three pivot tables were creating from a data set. The data set was formated into a table and then prepared as a report. 

Atlas.ti was used for this project. The comments from a youtube video were scraped and then coded in Atlas.ti with a priori codes.

EDTC 815: Administration and Supervision of Technology in Educational Settings

Fall 2022 | Dr. Amerman

This course prepares students to serve as professionals who promote the development and implementation of technology infrastructure, procedures, policies, plans, and budgets for schools and organizations at an advanced level. The course prepares students who desire to lead education and training organizations in improving teaching and learning through the scientifically sound application of educational technology.  

This project includes a video training module on online etiquette, intellectual rights, social media, and confidentiality for teachers looking to participate in professional learning communities through social media. A quiz is linked to indicate passing the course.

This paper analyzed the role of the technology coordinator and provided a job description and policies & procedures manual for an elementary, middle, and high school technology coordinator.

This paper describes the plan of implementation for using ReadWorks in a blended learning model to raise achievement and support students in English Language Arts.

This memo, website, and associated artifacts show the development of an asynchronous and synchronous PD experience for teachers in  about IXL. 

EDTC 812 Teaching in the Adult Learning Environment